What Matters Most (Clone)

Estimated Time: 3 Hours

Hello! Welcome to ‘Discover Your Bliss’
A program designed to re-awaken your core happiness!

Key take-away

“Using your unique superpowers for service
is bliss in action.”

Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat, omnis dolor repellendus.

Get started today for
a single payment of $27

Get instant access (for life) to all the video lessons, workbooks and the Facebook group.

Enrol to Start Your Journey

When you join today you’ll get instant access to all course materials, audios and videos.


1. Commit

… to being happy!

1.1 Awareness

1.2 Core desire

1.3 Choice


2. Meditate

Where are you going?

2.1 Medicine tools

2.2 Cultivate team

2.3 Daily ritual


3. Manifest

A whole new world

3.1 Radiance

3.2 Devotion

3.3 Service

3 sections with
9 modules, 9 videos,
9 audios, and a gorgeous
step-by-step playbook!
plus bonus tracks!

Get started today for just $27

Enrol to Start Your Journey